Somes Sound is a glacial river valley in the middle of Mount Desert Island. It is technically the only fjord on the eastern Atlantic seaboard. The cliffs on both sides slope down into the water and gradually levels off to form the head of Somes Harbor.
The quiet town of Somesville seems to have changed little since the Abraham Somes brought his family here from Gloucester in 1761, starting the first permanent settlement on Mount Desert Island. During its heyday, there were seven mills, five shipyards, and four blacksmith shops. Today, white clapboard houses line the one street, with a small market, an even smaller library, one gas station, and the Masonic Hall.

We also bought tickets to see a play at the Acadia Repertory Theatre inside the Masonic Hall. We really enjoyed getting off the boat for the night and watching a comedy/mystery :) Here is the inside of the theater:
I loved this sign- Family Dentist and Professional Blueberry Picker :)
Another great picture of the harbor:
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