Fun fact time. Camden is the birthplace of the donut! Captain Hanson Crokett Gregory poked a hole in his biscuit and placed it over the spokes of his ship’s wheel while he navigated, thereby inventing the donut hole. Camden now celebrates the Hole in the Donut Festival every June. People in Maine love festivals :)
After walking around town and visiting many of the darling tourist shops, we bought sandwiches at the Camden Deli and ate in the park overlooking the marina and the small waterfall in the head of the harbor. We also used the public library for Internet again because we do not have cell phone service in this area.
Windjammers have operated out of Camden for more than half a century. Tourists can pay to take a short 2-hour cruise or a weeklong vacation. Some of the windjammers are a century old and are converted from the coastal trade. Since most of them do not have motors, they are pushed by yawl boats (small dingy designated for this job) until they reach the open harbor and can set sail.

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